Photo Editing Mistakes Everyone Makes

January 10, 2025
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Photo editing mistakes I made in the past were simple to avoid. At least I understand them now. After a few years of photo editing.

In this blog, I will share my thoughts on photo editing mistakes that I did in the past. I will also offer you my clever theory on how to prevent this.

Everyone is looking for their path in life. It is exactly the same with style. Everyone would like to have their own and unique. Easy to say but harder to implement.


The reason is simple. There are a lot of styles in the world already. You create and stop at the style you think is the right one. You find that this is your style and start using it again and again. At this point, a false cycle is created as you try to give the same style to every photo.

I'm not saying that this is wrong. You are striving for perfection. I get that.

But you start to forget one very important thing.

The creativity. Or at least the creative process.

Photo editing mistakes and a creative style

You start relying on one style for your entire editing process. And while at some percentage you begin to be recognizable, it is somewhat of a nail in the creative coffin.

You don't want to play around because your style will change and that's unacceptable because who will recognize your photo.

Photo editing mistakes I was making every day of my photo career. Don't even ask how many photos I rejected because my style didn't match them.

Another creative style with a text behind the main object.

I recently had my moment to revisit older photos and I have to say that they were really cool photos.

Therefore, stop thinking and trying to make some photo must necessarily look like a hundred of your other photos. Try something new that will allow you to develop your creativity. Don't lock yourself into one style.

And the worst thing you can do is to push through some photo that your style just doesn't fit.

Check some of my styles below.

Minimalist style approach
Deep depth style
Cyberpunk style approach
Behind the glass style
Photo editing mistakes and two sizes of the object
Gotham vibes style
Night paint on the canvas
Photo editing mistakes and minimalist style

Check out how to take photos at night - 5 useful tips.


Hi there, my name is Luke
- street, travel, and lifestyle photographer

Youtube: @eastbanger
Instagram: @eastbanger

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